Source: lib/splitAgent.js

var Janus = require('../externals/janus.nojquery');
var Promise = require('bluebird/js/release/bluebird');
var DataChannel = require('../modules/datachannel');

 * SplitAgent usecase
 * @class
 * @classdesc SplitAgent usecase
 * @param  {object} onEvents       Event handlers: onDestroyed, onError, onJoined, onDataReceived, onAcceptedVideo, onAcceptedData, onReadyLocalStream, onFileTransferOk, onFileTransferKo, onScreensharingAccepted, onScreensharingClosed, onNotified
 * @param  {object} domElements    DOM elements: client, agent, screenRemote, screenLocal
 * @param  {object} options        Available options: dataChannel, session, stream
 * @return {Promise}               SplitAgent methods: getLicense, sendData, startRecording, startScreensharing, stopRecording, stopScreensharing, toggleVideo
 * @example
 * var onEvents = {
 *     onDestroyed: function() {
 *          // Destroyed
 *     },
 *     onError: function(cause) {
 *          // Error
 *     },
 *     onJoined: function(screenRoom) {
 *          // Joined
 *     },
 *     onDataReceived: function(type, data, filename) {
 *         // Data received
 *         if(type === 'application/x-chat') { }
 *         else if(type === 'text/plain') { }
 *         else if(type === 'application/pdf') { }
 *         else if(type === 'application/zip') { }
 *         else if(type === 'application/x-rar') { }
 *         else if(type === 'image/jpeg') {}
 *         else if(type === 'image/png') {}
 *         else if(type === 'application/x-docx') {}
 *         else if(type === 'application/x-pptx') {}
 *         else if(type === 'application/x-xlsx') {}
 *         else if(type === 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text') {}
 *     },
 *     onAcceptedVideo: function(stream) {
 *          // Accepted Video
 *     },
 *     onAcceptedData: function() {
 *          // Accepted Data
 *     },
 *     onReadyLocalStream: function(isReady) {
 *          // Local Video is ready
 *     },
 *     onScreensharingAccepted: function() {
 *          // ScreenSharing Accepted
 *     },
 *     onScreensharingClosed: function() {
 *          // ScreenSharing Closed
 *     },
 *     onFileTransferOk: function(fileId) {
 *          // File Transfer OK
 *     },
 *     onFileTransferKo: function(fileId) {
 *          // File Transfer KO
 *     },
 *     onNotified: function(action, data) {
 *          // Notification
 *     }
 * };
 * var domElements = {
 *     client: document.getElementById('clientvideo'),
 *     agent: document.getElementById('agentvideo'),
 *     screenRemote: document.getElementById('screenRemote'),
 *     screenLocal: document.getElementById('localscreen')
 * };
 * var options = {
 *      dataChannel: {
 *          dataEnabled: true,
 *          allowedTypes: ['application/x-chat', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'application/pdf'],
 *          maxSize: 5, // In MB
 *          fileTransmission: {
 *              timeout: 5, // Minutes
 *              retransmissionDelay: 15 // Seconds
 *          }
 *      },
 *      session: {
 *          agentName: 'Anna',
 *          sessionId: 6655
 *      },
 *      stream: {
 *          videoEnabled: true,
 *          aDeviceId: null,
 *          vDeviceId: null,
 *          videoStream: null
 *      }
 * };
 * usecases.splitAgent(onEvents, domElements, options)
 *     .then(function(action) {
 *          // Use Case has been atacched succesfully
 *          ...
 *     })
 *     .catch(function(cause) {
 *         // Error attaching the Use Case
 *         console.log("Error Attach " + cause );
 *     })
var splitAgent = function(onEvents, domElements, options) {
    if(!domElements || !domElements.agent || !domElements.client || domElements.agent.nodeType !== 1 || domElements.client.nodeType !== 1) return null;

    if(domElements.screenAgent) domElements.screenLocal = domElements.screenAgent; // Support last version (until major update 4.X)

    // Stream options
    var streamOptions = (options && ? : {};
    var isDataEnabled = (options && options.dataChannel && options.dataChannel.dataEnabled) ? options.dataChannel.dataEnabled : false;
    if(!streamOptions.videoEnabled) streamOptions.videoEnabled = false;
    if(!streamOptions.aDeviceId) streamOptions.aDeviceId = undefined;
    if(!streamOptions.vDeviceId) streamOptions.vDeviceId = undefined;
    if(!streamOptions.videoStream) streamOptions.videoStream = undefined;

    // Session options
    var sessionOptions = (options && options.session) ? options.session : {};
    if(!sessionOptions.agentName) sessionOptions.agentName = 'Unknown';
    if(!sessionOptions.sessionId) sessionOptions.sessionId = 1234;

    // Vars
    var splitAgentHandle = null;
    var screenRoomHandle = null;
    var agentName = sessionOptions.agentName;
    var sessionId = sessionOptions.sessionId;
    var screenid = null;
    var feeds = [];
    var bitrateTimer = [];
    var prefixName = null;
    var screenFeed = null;
    var screenRoom = null;
    var recordId = null;

     * Close the current UseCase. It's recommended combine with disconnect method
     * @return {nothing}
     * @example
     * action.closeUsecase();
     * myVideoApp.disconnect(); // Recommended
    var closeUsecase = function() {
      if(domElements) {
        for (var element in domElements) {
            if (!domElements.hasOwnProperty(element)) continue;
            var obj = domElements[element];
            if(obj && obj.innerHTML) obj.innerHTML = '';

     * The Agent can connect to establish a Video session
     * @param  {integer} id      Session ID
     * @param  {string} display  Display name
     * @return {nothing}
     * @private
    var joinVideoSession = function(id, display) {
        var register = {
            "request": "join",
            "room": id || 1234,
            "ptype": "publisher",
            "display": display || 'Agent'
        splitAgentHandle.send({"message": register});

     * The Agent sends a request to start recording the session
     * @param  {string} recordPrefix  Prefix of records: e.g: '__default__'
     * @return {nothing}
     * @example
     * action.startRecording();
    var startRecording = function(recordPrefix) {
        prefixName = recordPrefix;
        var req = {
            "request": "startRec",
            "room": sessionId
        splitAgentHandle.send({"message": req});

        // ScreenSharing
        /*if(screenRoomHandle !== null) {
            var req = {
                "request": "startRec",
                "room": screenid
            splitAgentHandle.send({"message": req});

     * The Agent sends a request to stop recording the session
     * @return {nothing}
     * @example
     * action.stopRecording();
    var stopRecording = function() {
        var req = {
            "request": "stopRec",
            "room": sessionId
        splitAgentHandle.send({"message": req});

        // ScreenSharing
        /*if(screenRoomHandle !== null) {
            var req = {
                "request": "stopRec",
                "room": screenid
            splitAgentHandle.send({"message": req});

     * Start recording (Slave)
     * @param  {integer} id           Session ID
     * @param  {string} recordPrefix  Prefix of records: e.g: '__default__'
     * @return {nothing}
     * @private
    var recordVideoroom = function(id, recordPrefix) {
        var req = {
            "request": "configure",
            //"audio": true,
            "room": id,
            "record": true,
            "prefixtheme": recordPrefix,
            "record_id": recordId,
            "role": "agent"
        splitAgentHandle.send({"message": req});

     * Start recording (Slave) (ScreenRoom)
     * @param  {integer} id           Screen ID
     * @param  {string} recordPrefix  Prefix of records: e.g: '__ScreenSharingdefault__'
     * @return {nothing}
     * @private
    var recordScreenroom = function(id, recordPrefix, recordId) {
        var req = {
            "request": "configure",
            //"audio": true,
            "room": id,
            "record": true,
            "prefixtheme": recordPrefix + 'ScreenSharing', // Hidden on VideoPlayer
            "record_id": recordId
        screenRoomHandle.send({"message": req});

     * Stop recording (Slave)
     * @param  {integer} id    Session ID
     * @return {nothing}
     * @private
    var stoprecordVideoroom = function(id) {
        var req = {
            "request": "configure",
            "room": id,
            "record": false
        splitAgentHandle.send({"message": req});

     * Stop recording (Slave)
     * @param  {integer} id    Session ID
     * @return {nothing}
     * @private
    var stoprecordScreenroom = function(id) {
        var req = {
            "request": "configure",
            "room": id,
            "record": false
        screenRoomHandle.send({"message": req});

     * The VideoGateway is requested about the features of the contracted license
     * @return {Object} License Information (Screensharing, Livechat and VideoRecording )
     * @example
     * var myLicense = action.getLicense();
     * console.log(myLicense);
    var getLicense = function() {
        return window.VideoRTC.license;

     * Toggle local Video stream (Mute/Unmute)
     * @return {boolean} Is video muted?
     * @example
     * action.toggleVideo(); // true or false
    var toggleVideo = function() {
        if (splitAgentHandle.isVideoMuted()) splitAgentHandle.unmuteVideo();
        else splitAgentHandle.muteVideo();
        return splitAgentHandle.isVideoMuted();

    * Sends a message (Chat or File) through the DataChannel
    * @param  {string} type MIME Type (e.g: 'application/x-chat', 'text/plain', 'application/pdf', 'application/zip', 'application/x-rar', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'application/x-docx', 'application/x-pptx', 'application/x-xlsx', 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text')
    * @param  {string} data Data Content
    * @param  {function} cOk  Callback success function
    * @param  {function} cKo  Callback failed function
    * @param  {string} (Optional) filename File Name (e.g:
    * @return {nothing}
    * @example
    * action.sendData('application/x-chat', 'Hello Mike!',
    *  function(cOk) {
    *      // Success
    *  },
    *  function(error) {
    *      // Error
    *      console.log(error);
    *  }
    * )
    var sendData = function(type, data, cOk, cKo, filename) {
        DataChannel.send(type, data, cOk, cKo, filename);

     * New remote Feed
     * @param  {integer} id      Session ID
     * @param  {string} display  Display name
     * @return {nothing}
     * @private
    var newRemoteFeed = function(id, display) {

        var remoteFeed = null;

            plugin: "janus.plugin.split",
            success: function(pluginHandle) {
                remoteFeed = pluginHandle;
                var listen = {
                    "request": "join",
                    "room": sessionId,
                    "ptype": "listener",
                    "feed": id
                remoteFeed.send({"message": listen});
            error: function(cause) {
                console.log("  -- Error attaching plugin...", error);
            destroyed: function() {

            consentDialog: function(on) {

            onmessage: function(msg, jsep) {
                Janus.debug(" ::: Got a message (listener) :::");
                var event = msg["split"];
                if (event != undefined && event != null) {
                    if (event === "attached") {
                        // Subscriber created and attached
                        for (var i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
                            if (feeds[i] === undefined || feeds[i] === null) {
                                feeds[i] = remoteFeed;
                                remoteFeed.rfindex = i;
                        remoteFeed.rfid = msg["id"];
                        remoteFeed.rfdisplay = msg["display"];
                        Janus.log("Successfully attached to feed " + remoteFeed.rfid + " (" + remoteFeed.rfdisplay + ") in room " + msg["room"]);
                    } else if (msg["error"] !== undefined && msg["error"] !== null) {
                    } else {
                        // What has just happened?
                if (jsep !== undefined && jsep !== null) {
                    // Answer and attach
                            jsep: jsep,
                            media: {audioSend: false, videoSend: false, data: true},	// We want recvonly audio/video
                            success: function (jsep) {
                                var body = {"request": "start", "room": sessionId};
                                remoteFeed.send({"message": body, "jsep": jsep});
                            error: function (error) {
                                Janus.error("WebRTC error:", error);
            onlocalstream: function(stream) {

            onremotestream: function(stream) {
                Janus.debug("Remote feed #" + remoteFeed.rfindex);

                var generateLabel = function(id, content, backgroundColor, position) {
                    var output = '';
                    output += '<span id="'+id+'" style="';
                    output += ' position:absolute;margin:10px;padding:3px 5px;color:white;font-weight:bold;border-radius:5px;';
                    output += 'background:'+backgroundColor+';';
                    output += position;
                    output += '">'+content+'</span>';
                    return output;

                var container = domElements.client;
                var tpl = '';
                tpl += '<div id="container-remote1">';
                tpl += '<video autoplay poster="" id="videoremote1"></video>';
                tpl += generateLabel('remote-name', remoteFeed.rfdisplay, '#55D8D5', 'left:0; margin-top: 10px;');
                tpl += generateLabel('remote-resolution', '', '#8DCC6D', 'left:0; margin-top: 40px;');
                tpl += generateLabel('remote-bitrate', '', '#FF6E5F', 'left:0; margin-top: 70px;');
                tpl += '</div>';
                container.innerHTML += tpl;
                var remoteContainer = document.getElementById('container-remote1');
                var videoElem = document.getElementById('videoremote1');

                videoElem.onplaying = function() {
                    var width = this.videoWidth;
                    var height = this.videoHeight;
                    document.getElementById('remote-resolution').innerHTML = width+'x'+height;

                    if(window.VideoRTC.getBrowser() === 'firefox') {
                        // Firefox Stable has a bug: width and height are not immediately available after a playing
                        setTimeout(function() {
                            var width = videoElem.videoWidth;
                            var height = videoElem.videoHeight;
                            document.getElementById('remote-resolution').innerHTML = width+'x'+height;
                        }, 2000);

                Janus.attachMediaStream(videoElem, stream);
                videoElem.muted = true;

                var videoTracks = stream.getVideoTracks();
                if(videoTracks === null || videoTracks === undefined || videoTracks.length === 0) {
                    // No remote video
                    var nodeNoCamera = document.createElement('div');
                    nodeNoCamera.innerHTML = 'No camera available';
           = "relative";
           = "100%";
           = "100%";
           = "100%";
           = "50%";
           = "translate(-50%,-50%)";
                    nodeNoCamera.className = "no-camera-available";
                    remoteContainer.insertBefore(nodeNoCamera, remoteContainer.firstChild);
                    // We Hide Bitrate and Resolution labels
                    for(var i = 0; i < remoteContainer.childNodes.length; i++) {
                        if(remoteContainer.childNodes[i].id && (remoteContainer.childNodes[i].id.indexOf('remote-resolution') >= 0 || remoteContainer.childNodes[i].id.indexOf('remote-bitrate') >= 0 )) {
                            remoteContainer.childNodes[i].style.display = 'none';

                bitrateTimer[remoteFeed.rfindex] = setInterval(function() {
                    // Display updated bitrate, if supported
                    var bitrate = remoteFeed.getBitrate();
                    if(document.getElementById('remote-bitrate')) document.getElementById('remote-bitrate').innerHTML = bitrate;
                }, 1000);

                if(onEvents && onEvents.onAcceptedVideo) onEvents.onAcceptedVideo(stream);

            oncleanup: function() {
                Janus.log(" ::: Got a cleanup notification (remote feed " + id + ") :::");
                if (bitrateTimer[remoteFeed.rfindex] !== null && bitrateTimer[remoteFeed.rfindex] !== null)
                bitrateTimer[remoteFeed.rfindex] = null;
            detached: function() {

            ondataopen: function () {
                Janus.log("The DataChannel is available!");
                if(onEvents && onEvents.onAcceptedData) onEvents.onAcceptedData();
            ondata: function (data) {
                Janus.debug("We got data from the DataChannel! " + data);
                DataChannel.receive(data, onEvents.onDataReceived);


     * Publish own stream
     * @return {nothing}
     * @private
    var publishOwnFeed = function() {
        var mediaOffer = {
            audioRecv: false,
            videoRecv: false,
            audioSend: false,
            videoSend: streamOptions.videoEnabled,
            data: isDataEnabled,
            video: {
                deviceId: {
                    exact: streamOptions.vDeviceId || undefined
                media: mediaOffer,	// Publishers are sendonly
                stream: streamOptions.videoStream,
                success: function (jsep) {
                    var publish = {"request": "configure", "audio": false, "video": true, "record": false}; // useAudio
                    splitAgentHandle.send({"message": publish, "jsep": jsep});
                error: function (error) {
                    console.log("WebRTC error:", error);

     * Join Screen Room
     * @param  {integer} screenRoom Screen Room ID
     * @return {nothing}
     * @private
    var joinScreenroom = function(screenRoom) {
            plugin: "janus.plugin.split",
            success: function(pluginHandle) {
                // Plugin attached! 'pluginHandle' is our handle
                screenRoomHandle = pluginHandle;
                var register = { "request": "join", "room": screenRoom, "ptype": "publisher", "display": 'ScreenAgent' };
                screenRoomHandle.send({"message": register});
            error: function(cause) {

            consentDialog: function(on) {

            onmessage: function(msg, jsep) {
                var event = msg.split;
                if(event !== undefined && event !== null) {
                    if(event === "joined") {
                        if(msg["publishers"] !== undefined && msg["publishers"] !== null) {
                            var list = msg["publishers"];
                            Janus.debug("Got a list of available publishers/feeds:");
                            for(var f in list) {
                                var id = list[f]["id"];
                                var display = list[f]["display"];
                                Janus.debug("  >> [" + id + "] " + display);
                                listenScreenSharing(screenRoom, id);
                    } else if(event === "destroyed") {
                        Janus.warn("The room has been destroyed!");
                    } else if(event === "event") {
                        if(msg["publishers"] !== undefined && msg["publishers"] !== null) {
                            var list = msg["publishers"];
                            Janus.debug("Got a list of available publishers/feeds:");
                            for(var f in list) {
                                var id = list[f]["id"];
                                var display = list[f]["display"];
                                Janus.debug("  >> [" + id + "] " + display);
                                listenScreenSharing(screenRoom, id);
                        } else if(msg["leaving"] !== undefined && msg["leaving"] !== null) {
                            var leaving = msg["leaving"];
                            Janus.log("Publisher left: " + leaving);
                            var container = domElements.screenRemote;
                            container.innerHTML = '';
                   = '';
                            //container.className = '';
                            if(onEvents && onEvents.onScreensharingClosed) onEvents.onScreensharingClosed();
                        } else if(msg["unpublished"] !== undefined && msg["unpublished"] !== null) {
                            var unpublished = msg["unpublished"];
                            Janus.log("Publisher left: " + unpublished);
                            var container = domElements.screenRemote;
                            container.innerHTML = '';
                   = '';
                            //container.className = '';
                        } else if(msg["error"] !== undefined && msg["error"] !== null) {
                if(jsep !== undefined && jsep !== null) {
                    Janus.debug("Handling SDP as well...");
                    screenRoomHandle.handleRemoteJsep({jsep: jsep});
            onlocalstream: function(stream) {
                // We have a local stream (getUserMedia worked!) to display
                var container = domElements.screenLocal;
                container.innerHTML = '<video autoplay poster="" id="screenAgent"></video>';
                var videoElem = document.getElementById('screenAgent');
                Janus.attachMediaStream(videoElem, stream);
                videoElem.muted = true;
            onremotestream: function(stream) {

            oncleanup: function() {

            detached: function() {


     * Listen ScreenSharing
     * @param  {integer} screenRoom Screen Room ID
     * @param  {integer} peerId     Peer ID
     * @return {nothing}
     * @private
    var listenScreenSharing = function(screenRoom, peerId) {

                plugin: "janus.plugin.split",
                success: function(pluginHandle) {
                    //if(screenFeed) screenFeed.detach();
                    screenFeed = pluginHandle;
                    var listen = { "request": "join", "room": screenRoom, "ptype": "listener", "feed": peerId };
                    screenFeed.send({"message": listen});
                error: function(error) {
                    Janus.error("  -- Error attaching plugin...", error);
                onmessage: function(msg, jsep) {
                    Janus.debug(" ::: Got a message (listener) :::");
                    var event = msg["split"];
                    if(event !== undefined && event !== null) {
                        if(event === "attached") {

                        } else if(msg["error"] !== undefined && msg["error"] !== null) {
                        } else {
                            // What has just happened?

                    if(jsep !== undefined && jsep !== null) {
                        Janus.debug("Handling SDP as well...");
                        // Answer and attach
                                jsep: jsep,
                                media: {
                                    audioSend: false,
                                    videoSend: false,
                                    audioRecv: false,
                                    videoRecv: true,
                                    data: false
                                },	// We want recvonly audio/video
                                success: function(jsep) {
                                    Janus.debug("Got SDP!");
                                    var body = { "request": "start", "room": sessionId };
                                    screenFeed.send({"message": body, "jsep": jsep});
                                error: function(error) {
                                    Janus.error("WebRTC error:", error);

                onlocalstream: function(stream) {
                    // The subscriber stream is recvonly, we don't expect anything here
                onremotestream: function(stream) {
                    var container = domElements.screenRemote;
                    var tpl = '';
                    tpl += '<div id="container-screenremote">';
                    tpl += '<video autoplay poster="" id="screenremote"></video>';
                    tpl += '</div>';
                    container.innerHTML = tpl;
                    var videoElem = document.getElementById('screenremote');
                    Janus.attachMediaStream(videoElem, stream);
                    videoElem.muted = true;
                    if(onEvents && onEvents.onScreensharingAccepted) onEvents.onScreensharingAccepted();
                oncleanup: function() {



     * The Agent sends a request to start Screensharing
     * @param  {integer} screenId Screen Id
     * @param  {function} cOk      Callback Ok
     * @param  {function} cKo      Callback Error
     * @return {nothing}
     * @example
     * action.startScreensharing(1234, function() {
     *      // Success
     * }, function(cause) {
     *      // Error
     * })
    var startScreensharing = function(screenId, cOk, cKo) {

        if(!getLicense().screensharing) {
            cKo ('Screensharing is not a feature of your Gateway');
            return false;
        if(window.location.protocol !== 'https:') {
            cKo ('Screensharing requires HTTPS');
            return false;
        if(window.isMobile) {
            cKo ('Screensharing is not available on Mobile devices');
            return false;
        if(!Janus.isExtensionEnabled()) {
            cKo("You're using a recent version of Chrome but don't have the screensharing extension installed: click <b><a href='' target='_blank'>here</a></b> to do so");
            return false;
        screenid = screenId;
        var capture = 'screen';
                //media: { audioRecv: false, videoRecv: false, audioSend: useAudio, videoSend: true/*, video:"hires"*/},	// Publishers are sendonly
                media: { video: capture, audio: false, videoRecv: false },
                success: function(jsep) {
                    var publish = { "request": "configure", "audio": false, "video": true };
                    screenRoomHandle.send({"message": publish, "jsep": jsep});
                error: function(error) {
                    if(error && === 'NotAllowedError' && window.getBrowser() === 'firefox') {
                        cKo('Firefox needs that the domain this web application is from is listed in Allowed domains.');
                    Janus.error("WebRTC error:", error);

     * The Agent sends a request to stop Screensharing
     * @param  {function} cOk Callback Ok
     * @param  {function} cKo Callback Error
     * @return {nothing}
     * @example
     * action.stopScreensharing(function() {
     *      // Success
     * }, function(cause) {
     *      // Error
     * })
    var stopScreensharing = function(cOk, cKo) {
        var leave = { "request": "leave" };
        screenRoomHandle.send({"message": leave});
        var container = domElements.screenLocal;
        container.innerHTML = ''; = '';

     * Send a notification to the other peer via the VideoGateway
     * @param {string} action Identifies the notification type
     * @param {string} data Useful for sending extra data (Optional)
     * @example
     * action.notify('open-map');
    var notify = function(action, data) {
        if(!action) return;
        var not = {
            "request": "notify",
            "action": action,
            "room": sessionId,
            "origin": "agent"
        if(data) = data;
        splitAgentHandle.send({"message": not});

    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {

            plugin: "janus.plugin.split",
            success: function(pluginHandle) {
                // Plugin attached! 'pluginHandle' is our handle
                splitAgentHandle = pluginHandle;

                // DataChannel options
                var optionsDataChannel = (options && options.dataChannel) ? options.dataChannel : {};
                var cbks = {
                    fileOk: onEvents.onFileTransferOk || function() {},
                    fileKo: onEvents.onFileTransferKo || function() {}
                var result = DataChannel.initialize(optionsDataChannel, pluginHandle, cbks);
                if(!result) console.log("Datachannel options can't be loaded:");

                joinVideoSession(sessionId, agentName);
                    message: {
                        request: "license_info"
                    success: function(data) {
                        if(data && data["error_code"]){
                        else {
                                closeUsecase: closeUsecase,
                                getLicense: getLicense,
                                startRecording: startRecording,
                                stopRecording: stopRecording,
                                startScreensharing: startScreensharing,
                                stopScreensharing: stopScreensharing,
                                toggleVideo: toggleVideo,
                                sendData: sendData
            error: function(cause) {
                if(cause && cause.indexOf('482') >= 0) {
                    reject("Sorry, all channels are busy!");
                else if(cause && cause.indexOf('480') >= 0) {
                    reject("License has been expired. Please, contact with an Administrator");
                else {
            destroyed: function() {

            consentDialog: function(on) {

            onmessage: function(msg, jsep) {
                var event = msg["split"];
                if (event != undefined && event != null) {
                    if (event === "joined") {
                        // Publisher/manager created, negotiate WebRTC and attach to existing feeds, if any
                        // Any new feed to attach to?
                        if (msg["publishers"] !== undefined && msg["publishers"] !== null) {
                            var list = msg["publishers"];
                            for (var f in list) {
                                var id = list[f]["id"];
                                var display = list[f]["display"];
                                newRemoteFeed(id, display);
                        screenRoom = msg["screenroom"] > 0 ? msg["screenroom"] : undefined;
                        if(onEvents && onEvents.onJoined) onEvents.onJoined(screenRoom);
                        if(screenRoom && screenRoom > 0 && domElements.screenRemote) joinScreenroom(screenRoom);
                    } else if (event === "destroyed") {
                        // The room has been destroyed
                        if(onEvents && onEvents.onDestroyed) onEvents.onDestroyed();
                    } else if (event === "event") {
                        // Any new feed to attach to?
                        if (msg["publishers"] !== undefined && msg["publishers"] !== null) {
                            var list = msg["publishers"];
                            for (var f in list) {
                                var id = list[f]["id"];
                                var display = list[f]["display"];
                                newRemoteFeed(id, display);
                        } else if (msg["leaving"] !== undefined && msg["leaving"] !== null) {
                            // One of the publishers has gone away?
                            var leaving = msg["leaving"];
                            var remoteFeed = null;
                            for (var i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
                                if (feeds[i] != null && feeds[i] != undefined && feeds[i].rfid == leaving) {
                                    remoteFeed = feeds[i];
                            if (remoteFeed != null) {
                                // REVIEW: Clean container?
                                feeds[remoteFeed.rfindex] = null;
                        } else if (msg["unpublished"] !== undefined && msg["unpublished"] !== null) {
                            // One of the publishers has unpublished?
                            var unpublished = msg["unpublished"];
                            Janus.log("Publisher left: " + unpublished);
                            if (unpublished === 'ok') {
                                // That's us
                            var remoteFeed = null;
                            for (var i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
                                if (feeds[i] != null && feeds[i] != undefined && feeds[i].rfid == unpublished) {
                                    remoteFeed = feeds[i];
                            if (remoteFeed != null) {
                                // TODO: Clean container?
                                feeds[remoteFeed.rfindex] = null;
                        } else if(msg["startedRec"] !== undefined && msg["startedRec"] !== null) {
                            recordId = msg["recordId"];
                            recordVideoroom(sessionId, prefixName);
                            //if(screenRoomHandle !== null) recordScreenroom(screenid, prefixName, msg["recordId"]);
                        } else if(msg["stoppedRec"] !== undefined && msg["stoppedRec"] !== null) {
                            //if(screenRoomHandle !== null) stoprecordScreenroom(screenid);
                        } else if(msg["notified"] !== undefined && msg["notified"] !== null) {
                            if(onEvents && onEvents.onNotified && msg["origin"] !== 'agent') {
                                Janus.debug("Notification received: " + msg["action"]);
                                onEvents.onNotified(msg["action"], msg["data"]);
                        } else if (msg["error"] !== undefined && msg["error"] !== null) {
                            if(msg["error"].toLowerCase().indexOf('already attached') > -1) window.VideoRTC.connection.handle.destroy();
                            if(onEvents && onEvents.onError) onEvents.onError(msg["error"]);
                        } else if (msg['result'] !== undefined && msg['result'] !== null) {
                            var result = msg['result'];
                            if (result['event'] == 'license_info') {
                                window.VideoRTC.license = {
                                    screensharing: (result['screensharing'] == 'true'),
                                    livechat: (result['livechat'] == 'true'),
                                    videorecording: (result['videorecording'] == 'true')
                                Janus.debug("License", window.VideoRTC.license);
                                    closeUsecase: closeUsecase,
                                    getLicense: getLicense,
                                    notify: notify,
                                    startRecording: startRecording,
                                    stopRecording: stopRecording,
                                    startScreensharing: startScreensharing,
                                    stopScreensharing: stopScreensharing,
                                    toggleVideo: toggleVideo,
                                    sendData: sendData
                if (jsep !== undefined && jsep !== null) {
                    splitAgentHandle.handleRemoteJsep({jsep: jsep});

            onlocalstream: function(stream) {
                // We have a local stream (getUserMedia worked!) to display
                var container = domElements.agent;
                container.innerHTML = '<video autoplay poster="" id="videoAgent"></video>';
                var videoElem = document.getElementById('videoAgent');
                Janus.attachMediaStream(videoElem, stream);
                videoElem.muted = true;

                var videoTracks = stream.getVideoTracks();
                if(videoTracks === null || videoTracks === undefined || videoTracks.length === 0) {
                    // No remote video
                    var nodeNoCamera = document.createElement('div');
                    nodeNoCamera.innerHTML = 'No camera available';
           = "relative";
           = "100%";
           = "100%";
           = "100%";
           = "50%";
           = "translate(-50%,-50%)";
                    nodeNoCamera.className = "no-camera-available";
                    container.insertBefore(nodeNoCamera, container.firstChild);
                    if(onEvents && onEvents.onReadyLocalStream) onEvents.onReadyLocalStream(false);
                else {
                    if(onEvents && onEvents.onReadyLocalStream) onEvents.onReadyLocalStream(true);
            onremotestream: function(stream) {

            oncleanup: function() {

            detached: function() {




exports.splitAgent = splitAgent;